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How High-Performing Companies Set Themselves Apart

Data from our Workforce 2020 research program show a correlation between above-average profit margin and revenue growth and workforce development. Companies with above-average profit margin and revenue growth (high performers) are better prepared for the future workforce than those with below-average growth. Executives who report that their companies have below-average profit margin growth over the past two years (we call them underperformers) indicate that they are struggling to keep up with changing workforce trends. This is especially true when it comes to recruiting employees with both base-level and advanced skills. Perhaps most telling, underperforming companies are significantly less likely to say that HR issues are driving strategy at the board level—which could be a major oversight.




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HR Executive Club is a community of practice for senior HR professionals. We facilitate deep learning, time to think and genuine sharing. Our purpose is to foster courage in the HR community so that together we can: shape the future of work; raise the people agenda; lead with heart; name the elephants and ignite the soul in business. More

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